Hiccups: Why and what to do?


Hiccups regularly affect people in every demographic. The majority of hiccups are harmless yet persistent hiccups become bothersome and might signal hidden health issues. The following content studies hiccups from different perspectives including the definition of hiccups along with causes and appropriate responses for persistent hiccups and methods to prevent them.

What Are Hiccups?

Our breathing helps through the diaphragm muscles creates sudden involuntary contractions when we experience hiccups. When your vocal cords shut quickly after a rapid contraction you produce the characteristic "hiccup" noise. Normally hiccups persist for only a short time but sometimes they continue for extended periods reaching durations of hours and days.

Why Do I Keep Getting Hiccups?

There are several common causes of hiccups, some of which are discussed here –

1) Eating Too Fast or Overeating

Rapid swallowing during meals can cause hiccups because excessive food and air enter the stomach thus irritating the diaphragm.

2) Drinking Carbonated Beverages

When people drink soft drinks their stomach releases gas that causes the diaphragm to expand and contract unexpectedly. Hiccups often develop because of this process.

3) Spicy or Hot Foods

Consuming extremely hot spicy foods creates nerve irritation that leads to hiccups. The sudden shift in temperature from hot food to our throat or diaphragm generates the same hiccup mechanism.

4) Sudden Changes in Temperature

When you go from hot temperatures to extremely cold temperatures or drink a cold drink after a hot meal your diaphragm can experience changes that lead to hiccups.

5) Emotional Triggers

Hiccups occur when excessive stress together with excitement or excessive anxiety leads to overstimulation of the diaphragm.

6) Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol leads to stomach lining stimulation that causes diaphragm spasms and eventually produces hiccups.

7) Swallowing Too Much Air

An intake of excessive air while speaking or eating gum or using straws and pipes can result in hiccups.

8) Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Stomach acid produced during acid reflux has the power to inflame the diaphragm leading to persistent hiccups.

9) Medications

Certain medications including steroids and painkillers and sedatives may result in hiccups as reported side effects.

10) Underlying Health Conditions

Persistent hiccups represent a medical issue more often than not but can sometimes indicate nerve damage or stroke or kidney problems. Contact your doctor when your hiccups persist beyond 48 hours.

What to Do if Hiccups Are Not Stopping?

In most cases, hiccups go away on their own, but if they persist, you can try the following simple and home remedies –

1) Hold Your Breath

Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as possible. This increases the carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which often helps to stop the hiccups.

2) Drink Cold Water Slowly

Sip cold water occasionally to stimulate the vagus nerve, which helps to relax the diaphragm and stop the hiccups.

3) Swallow a Teaspoon of Sugar

Eating granulated sugar can stimulate the nerves in the throat and stop the hiccups.

4) Breathe into a Paper Bag

Breathing into a paper bag can increase the carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which helps to relax the diaphragm and stop the hiccups.

5) Gargle with Cold Water

Gargling with cold water stimulates the nerves in the throat and helps stop hiccups.

6) Apply Gentle Pressure

To reduce the pressure on the diaphragm, gently massage it or sit with your knees close to your chest for a while.

7) Suck on a Lemon or Vinegar

You can drink a small amount of lemon juice or vinegar. Because their sour taste can confuse your nerves and help eliminate hiccups.

8) Try the Valsalva Maneuver

Pinch your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and try to exhale forcefully, so that the tension in the diaphragm can be controlled. In many cases, doing this stops hiccups.

9) Massage Your Neck

Many times, gently massaging the carotid artery near the neck relaxes the diaphragm and stops hiccups.

10) Distract Yourself

Sometimes distracting yourself, i.e. concentrating on another activity, can help stop hiccups.

When to See a Doctor?

If your hiccups persist for 48 hours or more, you should definitely consult a doctor. This is because persistent hiccups can be a symptom of the following reasons –

1) Nerve damage or irritation

2) Gastrointestinal problems

3) Neurological disorders

4) Side effects of medications

Prevention Tips for Hiccups

If you have frequent hiccups, you can follow these simple remedies –

1) Eat or drink slowly to reduce swallowing of excess air.

2) Avoid excessively salty, spicy foods, and carbonated drinks as much as possible.

3) Try to control stress by following techniques like deep breathing.

4) Avoid overeating and try to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible.

5) Limit or stop alcohol intake.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Why do I get hiccups every time I eat?

Answer): Eating too quickly, eating too much spicy food can irritate or stimulate our diaphragm, which can cause hiccups. Try chewing small amounts of food slowly.

2) Are frequent Hiccups a sign of an Underlying Disease?

Answer): Hiccups are a normal occurrence, but frequent hiccups can sometimes indicate acid reflux, nerve irritation, or even a neurological disease. And if hiccups persist, then definitely consult a doctor.

3) How Long should Hiccups last before seeing a Doctor?

Answer): If your hiccups last for 48 hours or more, then it can be a sign of a serious underlying health problem. So, you should definitely consult a doctor in those cases.

4) Can Hiccups be Prevented?

Answer): Hiccups can be prevented by controlling stress through techniques such as eating too quickly, avoiding spicy foods, drinking carbonated beverages, and practicing deep breathing regularly.

5) Do Home Remedies really work for Hiccups?

Answer): Hiccups can be stopped by using home remedies (see above) such as drinking extra cold water, holding your breath, swallowing granulated sugar, or drinking lemon juice.

6) Can Stress cause Hiccups?

Answer): Psychological factors such as stress, tension, or anxiety can overstimulate the nerves that control the diaphragm, which can lead to hiccups. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing can help in these cases.


Hiccups are generally a very common occurrence and are usually temporary. However, frequent hiccups can become a source of annoyance. By understanding the common triggers of hiccups and using simple home remedies, you can get rid of the problem of hiccups. But if it persists for a long time, it can indicate an underlying health problem, so it is important to consult a doctor in such cases.




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